New Platform Helps Companies Digitally Transform Themselves With Knowledge Work Automation - One of Today's Fastest Growing Disruptive Trends

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwired - Aug 25, 2016) -  eXalt Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of cloud-based digital transformation services for B2B enterprises, today announced the commercial availability of their Knowledge Work-as-a Service (KWaaS) platform. The company is coming out of a controlled release of KWaaS with several long standing customers including Intel and holds many patents in this space. eXalt's KWaaS platform generates rules driven digital workers to bridge the many knowledge gaps that stall the B2B sales process, making processes digital end-to-end without human touch, and providing a competitive advantage in the marketplace. 

"Our vision is to offer digital workers to complement human workers for the front to back B2B sales process. Any B2B Vendor, Distributor or Reseller in single or multi-tier channel sales can scale their output to be many times their peers by leveraging KWaaS to create digital workers." said Leslie Swanson, President and Chief Executive Officer, eXalt Solutions.

"Traditional B2B enterprises will not be able to keep up with competitors, large and small, who leverage digital workers. First movers are successfully leveraging digital workers in front office sales to advise buyers and back office operations to gain agility in administrative tasks. Ignoring digital workers as a growth strategy is a dangerous choice in today's accelerated digital economy." 

A recent report* by McKinsey& Company estimates that by 2025 the automation of knowledge work will have an economic impact of between $5-7 trillion, and will impact 230+ million knowledge workers globally. eXalt has found that as much as 50-70% of the knowledge work in the B2B sales process alone is rules-based and repetitive and can be addressed with digital workers.

"Digital labor is rapidly becoming indispensable to companies wanting to stay competitive in the marketplace," said Stephen Hendrick, Principal Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group. "It enables companies to scale more rapidly and to produce more with their existing employee base. eXalt's Knowledge Work-as-a Service (KWaaS) offering is wildly unique, as it takes digital transformation throughout the entire organization."

Knowledge Work Automation Better Together Philosophy

eXalt's philosophy is 'Better Together' where human and digital workers produce more at a higher level of quality as a team -- giving their customers unlimited scale. eXalt is the only company to weave an end-to-end fabric of Digital Threads from Sales through Delivery where Digital Workers take over the rules-based repetitive tasks, bringing companies closer to customers, freeing up their best people to do high value work, and enabling significant cost savings overall. In the past automation was seen as a 'tool' used by human labor but now Digital Workers are independent co-workers and a necessity for every team in the future.

KWaaS Platform Removes the Roadblocks to B2B Digital Transformation

Digital transformation can be a daunting task for companies who are often siloed, who lack expertise or resources, or who mistakenly think digital transformation is yet another IT project. eXalt addresses these issues by making it easy. Because eXalt's KWaaS platform is a service, implementation it can be completed in weeks without a major outsourcing or IT project. Marketing, eCommerce or operational executives can specify business rules changes that eXalt loads into its cloud platform without any software or IT involvement.

Industry Trends Moving Rapidly Toward eXalt's Knowledge Work Automation

The traditional B2B sales process is notoriously slow and has many knowledge gaps that are bridged by high touch manual labor across a vast partner ecosystem. Recent trends are making it difficult for companies to rely on traditional phone sales or simple Catalog Web sites:

1) Social Change: Talking to a sales rep is annoying, slow and error prone. Buyers want modern digital self service. 
2) Technical Change: Technology is better than humans in weaving together solutions from thousands of vendors with 1,000-100,000's skus each undergoing constant change..
3) Economic Change: Margins have been shrinking and require lower touch process
4) Process Change: Sales reps not contacted until buyers are 2/3rd of the way though the decision process.
5) Expectations Changing for Agility: B2B buyers need information from both the reseller's back-office and an entire partner ecosystem of distributors, vendors and integrators. Buyers demand agility and expect this information to be retrieved, aggregated and presented almost instantaneously without human delay. 

eXalt's KWaaS platform offers three types of Digital Workers to scale the B2B sales process: :

  • Digital Advisors - Help buyers access smarter ways to shop and solve their problems
  • Digital Administrators - Make businesses more connected to themselves and each other resulting in agility
  • Digital Analysts - Offer businesses improved visibility and anticipate and act on change

Companies gain unprecedented customer intimacy through advanced self-service and ecommerce offerings, and they immediately reduce operational costs and delays, while gaining visibility for the necessary process refinements that help them work smarter.

"eXalt is a leader in building Solutions Sales Portals with advanced rules engines powering the world's largest technology channel sites," Swanson added. "In developing ecommerce portals for Vendors, Distributors and Resellers, we were helping them begin to digitally transform their enterprises before digital transformation was even a concept. Increasing scale and velocity has been our core business for 15 Years. Digital Transformation is a natural next step in our company's growth and success."

In the last year eXalt Solutions re-architected its platform to specifically address Knowledge Work Automation in the enterprise and launched a new website ( that better reflects their new growth strategy for Digital Transformation. eXalt's affordable pricing plans are charged by the transaction for smaller organizations and offer an unlimited plan for large enterprises.

Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy,
McKinsey & Co., May 2013

About eXalt Solutions, Inc.
Our mission is to make business digital first by making processes digital end-to-end without human touch enabling companies to sell more, more profitably. Our patented Knowledge Work as a Service (KWaaS) cloud platform scales out the B2B enterprise with three types of digital workers: Digital Advisors help buyers access smarter ways to shop and solve their problems, Digital Administrators make businesses more connected to themselves and each other resulting in agility and Digital Analysts that offer business improved visibility, and can anticipate and act on change. eXalt's philosophy is Better Together where humans and digital labor produce more at a higher level of quality as a team - giving our customers unlimited scale. Visit:

Cathy Clarke
eXalt Solutions